MarketingmanagerIn Musteranschreiben & Beispiele, die 2024 funktionierten

Wie schreibst du ein Anschreiben für eine Stelle als Marketing Manager? Erstelle das perfekte Anschreiben mit unseren professionellen Beispielen und Vorlagen.
Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer
Martin Poduška
Editor in Chief / Resume Writer
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 26. Oktober 2023
Durchschnitt: 5.0 (72 Stimmen)
Muster eines Anschreibens für einen Marketing- und Markenmanager
Erstellt mit Kickresume

Durchschnitt: 5.0 (72 Stimmen)

How to build a jaw-dropping marketing manager cover letter

Marketing managers wear many hats, serving as both client-facing representatives and employee-facing managers. This requires marketing managers to possess a wide range of skills that enable them to quickly adapt to various scenarios and a diverse range of clients.

In this guide, we teach you how to land your ideal job in marketing management with a well-written cover letter. Keep reading to learn the following five steps

  • Format your marketing manager cover letter header
  • Tailor your marketing manager cover letter to specific employers
  • Write a compelling introduction for your marketing manager cover letter
  • Highlight your best skills and achievements as a marketing manager
  • Craft a concise closing statement for your marketing manager cover letter
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1. Format properly your marketing manager cover letter header

Before you even begin to write the body text of your marketing manager cover letter, your first essential task is to create a well-formatted cover letter header.

Headers are important elements on any cover letter, as they provide greater structure and visual appeal.

In your cover letter, you should include:

  • Your name and professional title
  • Your professional contact information
  • The name, department, and address of the company you are applying to

Here is an example of a well-formatted marketing manager header

John Doe, Marketing Manager
(123) 456-7890 | |

To: BrightSpot Donuts
Marketing Department
1234 Street Address
Durham, NC

2. Tailor your marketing manager cover letter to specific employers

Whenever you write a cover letter as a marketing manager, it is crucial to tailor that letter to each specific employer you reach out to. Tailoring a cover letter in this way helps your letter stand out from competing applicants and shows the employer you have excellent attention to detail.

To tailor a cover letter, the key is to research the company thoroughly beforehand, looking for information such as:

  • Major projects, partnerships, or clients the company is involved with
  • Core goals and values listed on the company’s website
  • The specific staff member responsible for hiring new team members

Using this last detail, you can create a personalized greeting that addresses this specific person by name.

Here are 3 examples of personalized cover letter greetings

  • Dear Hiring Manager Jane Smith,
  • Dear Mrs. Jane Smith,
  • Dear Ms. Jane Smith & the Marketing Team,

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3. Write a compelling introduction for your marketing manager cover letter

Next up on your writing task list is to craft a compelling introduction.

You have already stated your name and job title in the header of your cover letter, so there’s no need to repeat this information. Instead, you should focus on describing the following details:

  • A brief overview of your professional history and years of experience
  • Any specialized areas of expertise you have
  • A statement about your enthusiasm for this role and the company

Here is an example of a strong introduction from a marketing manager’s cover letter

Dear Hiring Manager Jane Smith,

I am a marketing manager with 7+ years of specialized experience providing marketing services for the FinTech industry. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting your CEO, who encouraged me to apply for this position. Given my long history working in FinTech marketing, I know I have the skills and dedication your company needs to thrive.

4. Highlight your best skills and achievements as a marketing manager

Once your introduction is complete, the next-to-last step for writing your marketing manager cover letter is to write the body paragraphs.

A good cover letter should contain between 2 to 4 body paragraphs that are comprised of short sentences. Bullet points can also be used to help break up the text and give it a more organized appearance that is easy for the employer to read through.

In your body paragraphs, you will describe your very best skills and achievements as a marketing manager. As you do so, make sure to relate these qualifications back to the wants and needs of the company whenever possible.

Here are 6 examples of skills to describe in a marketing manager cover letter

  • Leadership (describe your exact leadership style)
  • Exceptional communication
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Data and marketing performance analysis
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Creativity

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a marketing manager cover letter

As the marketing manager at [Former Employer], I worked diligently to ensure each of my team members had the proper support and resources for their marketing campaigns. Resulting from my leadership in this role, my team’s average productivity rate raised by 20% overall.

5. Craft a concise closing statement for your marketing manager cover letter

You’ve made it to the last step of crafting your marketing manager cover letter — writing the conclusion.

To make a conclusion both concise and effective, it is essential to include the following information:

  • An enthusiastic sentence saying you are looking forward to hearing from them
  • An additional sentence stating you will follow up, including how you will contact them or how they can contact you
  • A formal sign-off

Here is an example of an effective conclusion from a marketing manager cover letter

Thank you for taking the time to review my cover letter and application. I greatly look forward to learning more about this opportunity and speaking with you directly. To contact me to schedule a meeting or interview, please call me at (123) 456-7890 any day between Monday through Friday from the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. As I am eager to get started and get to know your team, I plan to follow up next Tuesday morning if I have not yet heard back.

With Sincerity,

[Applicant Name]

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Martin ist Experte für Lebensläufe und Karriereratgeber bei Kickresume. In den fünf Jahren, in denen er bei Kickresume arbeitet, hat er fast 100 ausführliche, sorgfältig recherchierte Artikel zu Lebensläufen verfasst und als Chefredakteur jeden einzelnen Artikel auf dieser Website bearbeitet und überarbeitet. Zehntausende Arbeitssuchende lesen jeden Monat Martins Ratschläge für den Lebenslauf. Er hat einen Abschluss in Englisch von der University of St. Andrews und einen Abschluss in Vergleichender Literaturwissenschaft von der Universität Amsterdam.

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